Friday, December 18, 2009


Interviews are such a waste of time.  The interviewers probably already know who they are going to hire.  The interviewee wastes time preparing for it and in my case traveling too.  Travelled over 200 km for my interview. I am glad I don't believe the Universe acts against people though.  Travelled through 40 plus degrees C, a dust storm, a bush fire smoke out, a hail storm and the car next to me crashing into a wall.  Amazingly I survived and gave a poor interview.  Oh well.  If I don't get the job/s then frankly I will work locally and have fun with my youngest child.  Starting to like that idea.  And pick up my eldest from school.  Like other local mummies.
The worst part is not knowing if I will get the job until after Christmas.


belsum said...

Boo. Sorry 'bout the interview.

Elen said...

Ironically I did get the job. That was why the interview was so off they had already decided I would get it! Lol!