Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 years

So I recently celebrated ten years of marriage. I think I am allowed now to talk about what makes for a good marriage between a me and a my husband. I am not sure I am qualified to talk about what would make a good marriage for other people! But I can think of some things I would like to say...
Lesse if I can do ten...
1) He really does love me.
2) I really do love him
3) You don't have to talk about how you love each other all the time.
4) But you should take the time to kiss and touch and say the words every day.
5) Gestures mean a lot - stop talking about feelings sometimes and look at what he does.
6) Equality is what you are both comfortable with - not what someone else says is the right balance.
7) Give credit.
8) Giggle together every day.
9) Talk code to one another - develop your own couple language and use it to bind and to bond,
10) Apologise.

Hmm that was easy. Maybe I can keep going? Orrrr maybe not.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blogging is hard work

I wonder why I thought I would have time to blog when I barely have time to do anything else? Ah well.
Update: have job interview for permanent full time position locally. Ironically if I got it my teaching commitments would be less as only one employer!
Secondly Unit Coordination is not much fun - no wonder no one wants the gig.
Am embarking on the process of applying for a PhD. If they accept me I will be truly mad.
Housework is not happening often enough so comes in large unwieldy chunks.
Marking is behind and overwhelming me.
Marriage? Well this weekend coming is good for it I hope. 10th anniversary dirty weekend!
Must get back to everything.