Managing time is one of the most important things in work life battles as a working, studying mother. The first thing I recommend you do is work out what you can outsource. Go ahead. What can you outsource to your children, your spouse, your mother, your neighbour etc. Can you afford to pay someone to do some of the million things you have to do?
Is there something else you can cut out so you can afford to pay someone? Personally I pay for childcare, pay for a cleaner and ironing and my husband turns the kitchen over and helps put the kids to bed. He also helps with breakfast and making lunches for school. You have to have serious non-blamey conversations with people about how you need help. Remember you need help because you are human and you have important things that need doing too. You really truly can't do everything. Even I concede this. And this is the most important part. Let them do it THEIR way. Even if it is stupid. So long as it actually is being done it doesn't matter that it is not how you would do it. Back off. If I told you you hung out pants the wrong way you would get huffy but truth is there is almost always more than one way to do everything. Sure some things need ground rules but if your husband's idea of dinner is chicken nuggets and frozen vegetables every Tuesday so you can get to a meeting/class/gym and the kids and he eat it then SHUT UP about it. Actually that is stupid advice. Don't shut up. Thank him for it. Always thank people for helping you. Always. Even if it is your spouse doing what you think is something he ought to do anyway. Words are cheap but they buy so much happiness and inflict so much pain. Remember focus on your goal - you have work or study (or whatever or both!) to do. This allows you to get it done. That is worth much more overall. Think about it.
Also dump things you don't need to do that don't make you happy or productive. Be ruthless. You don't need to make Timmy's Super-Train-Ben-Pirate birthday cake. From scratch. There are other mums out there who would adore to make it and who enjoy making it. Let them. Who cares if the kids shirts aren't ironed (ignoring school shirts which do apparently need ironing - who made that rule!)? No one needs homemade meals every single meal every single day of the year. Don't take positions that tie up time, mental energy or both with little reward. Even if you are asked you can say this phrase :Regretfully I cannot take up that position/undertake this task/bend over backwards, but thank you for asking/nominating me. Practice it so that it sounds sincere and natural (to you too).
Ok enough preaching from me. I have some marking to do which this nicely helped me avoid. Oh and one more tip - don't take up Twitter or Blogging...
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